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3 weeks down. 1 to go!

i Jun 23rd No Comments by

June 23, 2014


The Mid States Spring and Summer shows have come to a close!  All in all, it was a fantastic 3 weeks filled with mostly sunshine and great competition.

The new 3 week circuit was closed out by the Mid States Summer Show which boasted the largest number of participants for the 3 week series.  Check out some photos from the week!

DanneeBlueMSHSSummer14DanCousteauxMSHSSummer14TracyGStretchKelseyDUEEClassicOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATracyGMustacheTomPatriceWaterBurgundyJumper


Highlighting the show were the weekend main events!  On Friday, everyone gathered at the Grand Prix ring to watch the $5,000 UEE Poise and Brilliance Hunter Classic!  I believe 20 competitors were on hand to tackle the course set by Rian Beals of Saugerties, NY.  This class is analogous to the Power and Speed classes one finds in the jumper ring, and is always a good time.  For this event the competitors were able to choose the fence height at which they want to compete.  So, we saw horse and rider combinations at 2’6″, 3′, 3’3″, 3’6″, and 3’9″.  In the end it was Kim Barone aboard “Indigo Girl” that topped the field of competitors.


Kim Barone and "Indigo Girl" winners of the $5,000 UEE Poise and Brilliance Hunter Classic

Kim Barone and “Indigo Girl” winners of the $5,000 UEE Poise and Brilliance Hunter Classic



The next day was Grand Prix day.  The fairgrounds was overshadowed that day by consistent cloud cover and threats of rain.  A little after midday a huge storm rolled through just soaking everything in it’s path.  Luckily we were able to seal up the Grand Prix ring before the torrential downpour so that we could try to save the footing for the Grand Prix.  Everything looked like it had gone according to plan and Mr. Rian Beals set to work with the crew to build the Summer Grand Prix course.  Just as the course was open for walking it began sprinkling again.  Unfortunately it didn’t stop there and anyone who competed in the first round of the Prix ended up soaking wet.  However, the horses still jumped well and once you are on course you tend to forget that it is pouring rain!  At the completion of the first round there were 3 to return for the jump off.  Dannee Risler aboard her own “Kryptonite”,  Janine Weatherby and “Panache”, and Andy Kocher and “Quaprice de Beaumont”.  Ms. Risler and “Kryptonite” came back first and posted a clear round in the Jump Off.  This proved to be enough as Janine and Andy came back both having a knockdown.


Dannee Risler and "Kryptonite" assisted by Tom Urban and Patrice Urban are the winners of the $15,000 Mid States Summer Grand Prix

Dannee Risler and “Kryptonite” assisted by Tom Urban and Patrice Urban are the winners of the $15,000 Mid States Summer Grand Prix


The sunshine returned to the fairgrounds for the final day of competition.  The feeling of the day was bittersweet.  It was the end of an excellent three weeks and although most people were excited to head home, there is always a somber feeling attached to seeing everyone finish up their showing, pack their trailers, and hit the road.

We, the Mid States staff, had an excellent time this year hosting these shows and we hope that everyone who was in attendance had a wonderful time.  A huge THANK YOU is in order to everyone who came to Mason City to support these shows!  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

We hope to see everyone in the Fall (September 10-14. 2014) for the final segment of the 2014 Mid States Horse Shows.

Everyone please take care until we meet again in “Mason Smiley”!




