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Fantastic Fall Finish

i Sep 16th No Comments by

Hannah DeLano’s “Venti” studying the GP course

September 16, 2013

The final installment of the 2013 Mid States Show season was quite a fitting one.  The numbers of competitors was increased from the previous year, the footing was excellent thanks to Tom Urban and his fine tractor driving skills, and the weather couldn’t have been better… well for the most part!

Exhibitors woke up on Saturday to another gorgeous morning.  The air was brisk but the sun was shining brightly and the temperature would quickly rise to that ideal horse showing range.  Competition in all the arenas ran well, and we saw the 3′ and 3’6″ sections of the Zandra Powers Horsemanship class.

Closing out the schedule on Saturday was the Mid States Horse Shows Variable Grand Prix.  As the start of the class drew near, the clouds returned to the sky and the bright sunny morning had evolved into a bit of an overcast afternoon.  Despite this the temperature was great and the rain stayed away.  There were 15 starters for the Main Event which, per the prize book, designated the Prix as $12,500 class.  Course designer Charles Throckmorton of Fort Collins, CO designed a track that was both inviting to the competitors but provided several elements designed to challenge the field.  This even included a double combination on the bank!  7 horse and rider combinations concluded the course with zero faults, which would prove to make an exciting jump off.  Heidi Hildebrand had 2 clear, Janine Weatherby had 2 clear, Kim Barone and her own “Rival” would return, as well as amateur rider Dr. Kathy Ott and junior rider Hannah DeLano.


Kevin Booth receiving the Brian Cudmore Sportsmanship Trophy from Gail Brandt with horse show manager Mike Urban and Patrice Urban

In between the two rounds the annual Brian Cudmore Sportsmanship trophy was awarded to an individual who exemplifies excellent sportsmanship.  This year the award was given to a very hard working, and committed member of the Mid States staff, Mr. Kevin Booth.  Kevin works hard year after year behind the scenes to make sure the horse show runs smoothly and that all the exhibitors are happy.  We certainly are grateful for all that Kevin does and wanted to reward him for his considerable efforts.

As the second round got underway, Heidi Hildebrand and “Tommy Bahama” were the first to return and they put down a clean effort and a good time putting the pressure on the rest.  The lead soon changed hands as Dr. Kathy Ott returned to the ring and posted an excellent time aboard her own “Mystic Sign”.  Several others would try to catch Kathy’s time but it wouldn’t be until Kathy’s coach Kim Barone returned to the ring aboard “Rival” that the lead would change hands again.  Kim’s fast and clean effort would prove to be the best as the final rider, Heidi Hildebrand and Soloso Z put down a great time but had the last rail Dan.

CONGRATULATIONS to Kim Barone and “Rival” WINNERS of the Mid States Fall Variable Grand Prix!!!


Kim Barone aboard “Rival” receiving the Blue from Patrice Urban in the $12,500 Mid States Fall Variable Grand Prix

On the final day of competition we were once again reminded that we were horse showing in Mason City, IA, and just as the show was about to kick off for the day it began raining.  It rained pretty strongly for about 30 minutes, so management decided to postpone the start of day until the rain was a bit lighter.  However, despite the morning deluge, the rings held up excellently thanks to Tom Urban who took the time to seal the rings the night before.

As the final rounds finished up for the day, the weather held up and allowed everyone to pack up and head home without further hindrance from the weather.

All of us at Mid States had an excellent time putting on these 4 horse shows this year and want to say THANK YOU to all those who came to support it!  There wouldn’t be a horse show without the exhibitors, trainers, and all their families.  THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

The Final Fall Show of 2013 was a Fantastic Finish to a great first year of managing the Mid States shows and we can’t wait to see you all back at the North Iowa Events Center next year!!


ZP WIN 3ft 2013ZP 2ND 3ft 2013

ZP 2ND 3'6ft 2013

ZP WIN 3'6ft 2013





