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Never Forget!

i Sep 11th No Comments by

September 11, 2013,

USFlagMy fellow horse showing Americans… and those with us whom may not fall into that category.  12 years ago, on this very day an incredibly outrageous event took place on our country’s soil that has forever altered our future.  It will go down in history on the same level as Pearl Harbor or the Moon Landing.  Today we remember the lives of those innocent souls that were lost, and the lives of the brave people who were sacrificed trying to save those in peril.  For this reason, we will forever look at our Star Spangled Banner each year on this very day, in remembrance of those who were caught in the crossfire, and we will solemnly swear to NEVER FORGET!  God Bless America!

The 11th of September will always be a serious day, but here at Mid States Horse Shows, it marks something else that we will NEVER FORGET.  September 11, 2013 marks a day where Mid States opens the first day of competition for the final horse show of the inaugural season.  Well, at least the inaugural season for the new management.


SnowMarquisWe will NEVER FORGET the beautiful weather of a bright and sunny, 80 degree schooling day during the Spring show, that was quickly followed by a wet and gloomy, somehow typical, Spring show day.  Then, even though the weather reports indicated the impending doom of a late snowstorm, no one could have predicted what we would wake up to the next day!  The massive amounts of snow were something that no one attending the show had EVER seen!

We at Mid States will NEVER FORGET the Mid States Horse Shows Spring Snow!!

However the ‘lows’ are followed, sometimes slowly, by the ‘highs’.  The Mid States Summer Shows may not have been graced by exceptional weather, but the overall feeling and success of the show was a dramatic improvement from the Spring installment.  The numbers were up, and so was the fun and the morale.   We will NEVER FORGET our first Summer season at Mid States.

Now, as we embark on the final installment of the 2013 Mid States season, we will certainly NEVER FORGET what an epic year it has been.  While we are here, let us all enjoy some (hopefully) drastically improved weather, and let us NEVER FORGET what horse showing is really all about!!

EmmaSJumpHave fun everyone!!


Just some quick exhibitor information:

For tomorrow’s (Thursday Sept 12, 2013) schedule the following classes have been changed from Table II.1 classes to Table II.2b  classes:

  • 1.15m Jumper
  • 1.25m Jumper
  • 1.30m Jumper


See you all for a wonderful day of showing tomorrow!!



