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Mid States Spring Snow!!

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May 2, 2013


2013 Friday Mid States Spring Schedule!!! DOWNLOAD THE FRIDAY SCHEDULE HERE !!!


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…oops!  We mean Mid States Spring SHOW!!

Upon arrival in Mason City on Monday April 30, the weather was ideal.  Sunny skies, warm temperatures, and excellent footing conditions.

This dreamland continued on into Tuesday’s schooling day.  Everyone enjoyed the sunshine and perfect riding conditions, but the lovely day was bittersweet.  Everyone had seen the weather forecast for the rest of the week, and knew that perfect showing conditions in May are very elusive in Mason City.

Just after schooling had closed on Tuesday evening, tractor drive extraordinaire Tom Urban hustled to seal the rings, just in time for a OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAmajor downpour.  Everyone woke up to some wet and chilly conditions on Wednesday morning, but that didn’t stop us.  The quality of the footing remained great, albeit a bit wet, and Rian Beals had put together some excellent courses in both the Hunter and Jumper rings.  Wednesday’s schedule went off without trouble and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and their horses.

At this point the weather forecast still looked very grim.

In an effort to be one step ahead of Mother Nature, the management decided to move the horse show into the Indoor Ring.  The North Iowa Events Center staff, alongside the Mid States staff, rushed to make the footing in the indoor suitable for the horses.  Everything was ready to go, and exhibitors were even allowed to school in the indoor that afternoon/evening.  And then…

…we woke up to this:


Due to cruel joke that Mother Nature decided to play on us all, the horse show was cancelled for Thursday.  Throughout the day the roads were cleared, the managers worked hard to rework the schedule, and the indoor was worked so that exhibitors could still exercise their horses.  As they say in show business, ‘the show must go on!’

This brings us up to the present, where we intend to continue horse showing in the morning.




The Indoor Ring will be available for hacking and lunging all night until somewhere between 6:15 and 6:30AM.

The crew will then set a course and we will open up the Indoor for schooling from 6:45AM until 8:00AM.

The horse show will begin at 8:30AM.

We will begin with the Hunter 2 schedule from Thursday and roll right into the Hunter 2 schedule for Friday.

We will then continue directly to the Hunter 1 schedule from Thursday and roll right into the Hunter 1 schedule for Friday.

The Jumper schedule has been redone and the Start Time and Ring are To Be Determined.


2013 Friday Mid States Spring Schedule!!! DOWNLOAD THE FRIDAY SCHEDULE HERE !!!


We can’t wait to resume showing tomorrow!



